
My name is Brandi, and I am on a journey to live my life to the fullest.

Someday I would like to see that.” “I am going to do that someday.” “I want to go there someday.” “Someday…”

Does this sound like you? It was me. Almost every day I would have a “someday” statement. Then one day, someday came. Not because it found me, but because I changed “someday” into “today.”

Today, I made the move to share my experiences and help others who may feel static, stuck in their life with no idea how they can see the world and still maintain their everyday life.

I was there. I went day by day in the same routine, didn’t travel or take any real vacation. I was overworked. I had a whole list of somedays that never seemed to be in the cards for me. Always on the horizon. Always out of reach.

Then it hit me. This isn’t living. I plan to change that. I want to help others live their life. The life they were meant to live. Your someday should be today.


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